– Horror
– Gdy córka i żona jednego z łowców duchów zostają zamordowane przez seryjnego mordercę, reszta ekipy pragnąc pomóc, postanawia złapać ich dusze, by pozwolić im odejść w pokoju. Miejsce kaźni zastają wypełnione złowrogimi duchami strzegącymi tajemnic mordercy.
– Henry (Stephen Manley), a paranormal investigator, recently lost his wife Martha (Phyllis Spielman) and daughter Gabby (Anna Harr) to captured and convicted serial killer Nightstalker, who enjoys torturing and killing his victims while dressed as a plague doctor. Henry asks his friend Neal (David O’Donnell) to help him use a machine he designed which can capture and convert ghosts into ectoplasm. After the funeral of his family, Henry meets with Neal, Neal’s reporter girlfriend Amy (Francesca Santoro), machine programm
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